Mia Liinason
Research Responsible | Professor

I took my doctoral degree in Gender Studies in 2011 on the PhD-thesis Feminism and the Academy. Exploring the politics of institutionalization in Gender Studies in Sweden. In 2016, I was appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The same year, I was appointed Docent of Gender Studies at the University of Gothenburg. 2018 I was elected into the Young Academy of Sweden. In 2019, I was appointed Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Gothenburg. In 2021, I took up my position as Professor of Gender Studies at Lund University.
Research areas
• Processes of globalization, borders, communities
• Digital technologies in interconnection with the cultural and the social
• Transnational social movements
• Feminist-, antiracist- and LGBTI+ activisms
Ongoing research and teaching
In my research, I am interested in dynamics between transformation and power. Within this interest, I have been exploring diverse forms of feminist and lgbti+ activism in transnational exchanges, in the Scandinavian countries and in Sweden, historically and today. Currently, I am conducting research in several research- and collaborative projects which broadens and deepens my research interests in various ways.
I am the director of the 5-year interdisciplinary research cluster TechnAct: Transformations of Struggle, which examines the impact of digital technologies on social movements and civil society engagements. Together with a cross-disciplinary research team and an international network, this research cluster attends to the interconnections between the digital, the social and the cultural in various empirical sites, such as digital cultures, emergent communities and transnational civil societies.
I lead the project Liveability at the crossroads of religion, gender and sexuality, which seeks to identify what makes, and could make, spaces livable for lgbtq+ people of faith. The project evolves around four case studies with Muslim, Jewish, Roman Catholic and Sami communities located in the South, West, East and North of Sweden. Bringing together multisited ethnography with digital ethnography and life story interviews, this project explores the religious and social barriers encountered by lgbtq+ people of faith across diverse religious traditions, and develops new understandings of the transformative aspects of religion on multiple scales, from the individual to the collective.
I am also researcher in Change is Key! a RJ-funded research program, that aims to create computational tools to explore how languages, societies and cultures have changed over time. The program spans six years (2022 - 2027) with a total of 11 researchers, one research engineer and six partner universities. The program will develop a methodology to detect change in language. My case study in the program examines the impact of emancipatory language change on cultural transformation, and how shifts in values and norms, in turn, influence the use of language, diachronically and synchronically.
I am part of the network of excellence NETHATE, a Marie Curie Intensive Training Network, which brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers to examine the dynamics of the spread of hate in both offline and online fora, mitigation and reconciliation strategies, and the impact on victims and bystanders.
In addition, I am coordinator of the international research network Gender, secularities and religiosities across the globe, which advances cross-disciplinary and transregional conversations on the intricate dynamics of secularity, religiosity and gender across the globe.
I recently finalized the collaborative project Spaces of Resistance. A study of gender and sexualities in times of transformation, which explored transnational encounters in feminist and LGBTI+ activism across Scandinavia, Russia and Turkey (together with Olga Sasunkevich, University of Gothenburg, Selin Çağatay, Central European University and Hülya Arik, University of Toronto). The book Feminist and LGBTI+ Activism across Russia, Scandinavia and Turkey. Transnationalizing Spaces of Resistance, Palgrave Macmillan Springer International Publishing 2022, presents the insights drawn from this research.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Sámi Resurgence through Heritage Work : Exploring Sámi Cosmology in Negotiation with Lutheran Christianity
Mia Liinason
(2025) Religion and Gender , p.1-23
Journal articleThe role of performativity in comics as activism : Meaning-making in comic art by Amalia Alvarez and Sara Granér
Mia Liinason
(2024) Comics, Activism, Feminisms , p.19-32
Book chapterConferencing in times of climate crisis and Covid-19 : feminist and queer reflections on the digital shift in academic work
Selin Çağatay, Olga Sasunkevich, Mia Liinason, Lena Martinsson
(2024) Globalizations, 21 p.1272-1289
Journal articleGenusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder
Marta Kolankiewicz, Mia Liinason, Maja Sager
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.11-26
Book chapterFeminist Media Studies: Technocultural worldings: dialectical dynamics in contemporary media landscapes
(2024) Feminist Media Studies, 24
Editor for a journalTechnocultural worldings
(2024) Feminist Media Studies
Editor for a journalThe performance of protest : Las tesis and the new feminist radicality at the conjunction of digital spaces and the streets
Mia Liinason
(2024) Feminist Media Studies, 24 p.430-447
Journal articleTechnocultural worldings: dialectical dynamics in contemporary media landscapes
Mia Liinason, Ov Cristian Norocel
(2024) Feminist Media Studies, 24 p.927-943
Journal article (comment)Transnational approaches to feminist and queer ethnographies: Rethinking dynamics of friendship in the field
Mia Liinason
(2024) Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research
Book chapterTowards a Socio-Legal Robotics: A Theoretical Framework on Norms and Adaptive Technologies
Stefan Larsson, Mia Liinason, Laetitia Tanqueray, Ginevra Castellano
(2023) International Journal of Social Robotics , p.1-14
Journal article‘The loved home’ and other exclusionary care discourses. A multi-scalar and transnational analysis of heteroactivist resistances to gender and sexual rights in Sweden.
Mia Liinason
(2023) ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 22 p.1047-1068
Journal articleIntroduction : Transforming identities in contemporary Europe
Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, Mia Liinason
(2023) Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe : Critical Essays on Knowledge, Inequality and Belonging , p.1-15
Book chapter“The Loved Home” and Other Exclusionary Care Discourses : A Multiscalar and Transnational Analysis of Heteroactivist Resistances to Gender and Sexual Rights in Sweden
Mia Liinason
(2023) ACME, 22 p.1047-1068
Journal articleTransforming identities in Europe
BookUnsettling the political : conceptualizing the political in feminist and LGBTI+ activism across Russia, the Scandinavian countries, and Turkey
Hülya Arik, Selin Cagatay, Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich
(2023) International Feminist Journal of Politics, 25 p.687-710
Journal articleVarieties of exceptionalism: A conversation
Selin Cagatay, Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich
(2023) Transforming identities in Europe
Book chapterHomonationalism across borders. Exploring cross-border exchange and strategic homonationalism in the construction of progressive nationalism
Mia Liinason
(2023) Sexualities, 26 p.86-104
Journal articleTensions and temporalities of Pride
(2023) Lambda Nordica, 2-3
Editor for a journalFeminist and LGBTI+ Activism across Russia, Scandinavia and Turkey Transnationalizing Spaces of Resistance
Mia Liinason, Selin Cagatay, Olga Sasunkevich
BookExploring Transnational LGBT+ Solidarities across the Norwegian-Russian Border: the Case of Barents Pride
Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich
(2022) Sexualities
Journal articleSpaces of Appearance and the Right to Appear : March 8 in Local Bodily Assemblies
Selin Çağatay, Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich
(2022) Thinking Gender in Transnational Times , p.191-237
Book chapterInfiltration som motståndstaktik: Om att Rekrytera rätt
Mia Liinason
(2021) Ojämlika arbetsplatser. Hierarkier, diskriminering och strategier för jämlikhet , p.295-322
Book chapter"Drawing the line" and other small scale resistances : Exploring agency and ambiguity in transnational feminist and queer NGOs
Mia Liinason
(2021) International Feminist Journal of Politics, 23 p.102-124
Journal articleForskardrömmar : Berättelser för nyfikna barn
Mia Liinason, Steffi Buchardt, Tove Fall, Robert Lagerström, Christian Ohm
BookChallenging the visibility paradigm: Tracing ambivalences in lesbian migrant women’s negotiations of sexual identity
Mia Liinason
(2020) Journal of Lesbian Studies, 24 p.110-125
Journal articleWomen resisting border regimes : Two case studies from Eastern and Northern Europe
Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich
(2018) Dreaming Global Change, Doing Local Feminisms : Visions of Feminism : Global North/Global South Encounters, Conversations and Disagreements , p.39-57
Book chapterInterconnections: Narrating Nordic Feminisms
Mia Liinason, Marta Cuesta
(2018) labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas, 31 p.1-23
Journal articleEquality Struggles. Women’s Movements, Neoliberal Markets and State Political Agendas in Scandinavia
Mia Liinason
BookUngendering Europe: Critical Engagements with Key Objects in Feminism
Mia Liinason, Erika Alm
(2018) Gender, Place and Culture, 25 p.955-1088
Editor for a journalBorders and belongings in Nordic feminisms and beyond
Mia Liinason
(2018) Gender, Place and Culture, 25 p.1041-1056
Journal articleChallenging constructions of nationhood and nostalgia: exploring the role of gender, race and age in struggles for women's rights in Scandinavia
Mia Liinason, Clara Marlijn Meijer
(2017) Women's History Review, 27 p.729-753
Journal articleSex in/and Sweden. Sexual rights discourses and radical sexual politics in Sweden
Mia Liinason
(2017) Cogent Social Sciences, 3 p.1-16
Journal articleJämställdhet som assemblage
Mia Liinason
(2017) Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, 3 p.165-186
Journal articleWomen's/Gender studies and contemporary changes in academic cultures : European perspectives
Sabine Grenz
(2016) Women's Studies International Forum, 54 p.79-83
Journal articleChanges in Academia
BookSubjective emotions, political implications: Thinking through tensions and contradictions in feminist knowledge production
Mia Liinason, Marta Cuesta
(2014) ex aequo - Portuguese Journal of Women's Studies , p.23-38
Journal articleGoda skäl för jobbiga känslor. Om kritik, feminism och förändring.
Mia Liinason
(2014) Genusvetenskap, kreativt skrivande och kritiskt tänkande
Book chapterGeo-politics from the inside. An analysis of narratives of the success story of feminism in Sweden
Mia Liinason
Conference paperSuccesses and its paradoxical effects
Mia Liinason
(2013) GEXCEL Work in progress report Theme 11-12
Book chapterYoung Blood: The Social Politics of Research Collaboration from the Perspective of a Young Scholar
Mia Liinason
(2013) The Social Politics of Research Collaboration
Book chapterUkraine is Not a Brothel – the Femen story, panelsamtal efter dokumentärfilmvisning Doc Lounge Malmö
Mia Liinason
OtherWhy interdisciplinarity? : Interdisciplinarity and women's/Gender studies in Europe
Mia Liinason
(2012) Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research : Researching Differently , p.151-164
Book chapterReflection in feminist teaching: problems, paradoxes, possibilities
Mia Liinason
(2012) European Journal of Women's Studies, 19 p.123-128
Journal article (letter)In the line of fire: Right wing extremism targets justice based movements. Snapshots from the Nordic countries
Mia Liinason
Conference paperAcademic feminism and the tension between conservatism and neoliberalism
Mia Liinason
Conference paperThe construction of gender research in Sweden. An analysis of a success story
Mia Liinason
(2012) Sqs: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland
Journal articleGender, feminism and gender equality. Conceptual dilemmas in gender studies in Sweden
Mia Liinason
(2012) Gender and Change. Power, Politics and Everyday Practices
Book chapterEn feminism utan Kvinnan. Om Under det rosa täcket, Bleck och Fittstim
Mia Liinason
(2012) Könspolitiska nyckeltexter: Från sedlighetsdebatt till talibantal
Book chapter"Var är maktanalysen, Mikael Nordenmark?"
Malin Espersson, Diana Mulinari, Despina Tzimoula, Helena Gyllensvärd, Ina Knobblock, et al.
(2011) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleThe construction of gender research in Sweden. An analysis of a success story
Mia Liinason
(2011) Sqs: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland, 5
Journal articleFeminism and the Academy : Exploring the Politics of Institutionalization in Gender Studies in Sweden
Mia Liinason
DissertationWhy Interdisciplinarity? Interdisciplinarity and Women’s/Gender studies in Europe
Mia Liinason
(2011) Theories and Methodologies in Post-Graduate Feminist Research, Researching Differently. Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality
Book chapterGender Studies in Times of Change: Challenges and Visions for Feminist Studies
Mia Liinason, Alvanoudi Angeliki, Pereira Maria do Mar, Alnebratt Kerstin
Conference paperTracing Utopia. On the past, the present and the future in contemporary queer and feminist thinking
Mia Liinason
(2011) NORA - the Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, vol. 19
ReviewInstitutionalised knowledge - notes on the processes of inclusion and exclusion in Gender Studies in Sweden
Mia Liinason
(2010) NORA - the Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 18 p.38-47
Journal articleGenusforskningens läge och institutionella situation våren 2010 – en nulägesöversikt
Mia Liinason
ReportFeminism i Sverige – funderingar kring feminism, heteronormativitet och etnocentrism i Sverige
Mia Liinason
Conference paperThe Pleasures and Problems of Publishing: Reflections on Writing and Editing Feminist Scholarly Articles
Mia Liinason, Maria do Mar Pereira
Conference paperFeminism and nation – notes on knowledge and politics from the border states of feminist work
Mia Liinason
Conference paperWhy Interdisciplinarity? Interdisciplinarity and Women’s/Gender studies in Europe
Mia Liinason
(2009) The making of European women's studies : a work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Vol. 9
Book chapterUn/expected encounters in memory work. Notes from the field of feminist teaching
Mia Liinason
(2009) Teaching with the Third Wave
Book chapterFriendship in Feminist Conversation
(2009) Gothenburg gender studies ; 7
BookIntersectionality: some reflections on the puzzlings of an ambiguous analytical tool
Mia Liinason
(2009) Gender Delight. Science, Knowledge, Culture and Writing… for Nina Lykke
Book chapterAtgender – the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation
Mia Liinason
Conference paperThinking without banisters – Introduction
Mia Liinason
(2009) Friendship in Feminist Conversation, Gothenburg gender studies; 7
Book chapterVad är genus?
Mia Liinason
(2008) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, Tema: Genus och medicin
Journal articleOm äkta berättelser och andra. En läsning av Hanne Ørstaviks Vecka 43
Mia Liinason
(2008) Moderniteter: text, bild, kön
Book chapter- What’s the name of the game? Some reflections on the terminological shifts of Gender Studies in Sweden
Mia Liinason
Conference paperGender research and reserach policies in Sweden - a PhD-student perspective
Mia Liinason
Conference paperJust don't make yourself too comfortable in the chair: Curiosity in the acadmy
Mia Liinason
(2007) Graduate Journal of Social Science, Vol. 4
Journal article (letter)Practising Feminist Interdisciplinarity
Mia Liinason, Iris van der Tuin
(2007) Graduate Journal of Social Science, Vol. 4 p.1-10
Journal article (letter)Who's the expert? On knowledge as praxis - a methodological approach
Mia Liinason
(2007) Graduate Journal of Social Science, Vol. 4
Journal articleGrand narratives and other narratives in queer studies of today
Mia Liinason
(2007) Sqs: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland, Vol. 2
Journal articleElite women as strangers - a phenomenology for interdisciplinary studies
Mia Liinason, Ulla M Holm
ReportRecension av Feminst Theory och European Journal of Women's Studies
Mia Liinason
(2006) Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift
ReviewPhD's, Women's/Gender studies and interdisciplinarity
Mia Liinason, Ulla M Holm
(2006) NORA - Nordic Journal of Women's Studies, Vol. 14
Journal articleVem är experten bland oss? Om oss, dom - och de andra
Mia Liinason
(2006) Dom - och vi : Humanistdagboken, 19
Book chapterInterdisciplinarity, research policies and practices. Two case studies in Sweden
Mia Liinason, Kerstin Alnebratt, Ulla M Holm
ReportRecension av Work Changes Gender. Men and Equality in the Transition of Labour Forms
Mia Liinason
(2006) Historielärarnas Förenings Årsskrift
ReviewRecension av Heartbreakers - Women and Violence in Contemporary Culture and Literature
Mia Liinason
(2005) Historielärarnas Förenings Årsskrift
ReviewDisciplinary Boundaries between the Social Sciences and Humanities: National Report on Sweden
Mia Liinason, Ulla M Holm
ReportMellan vetenskaplig praktik och teoretisk retorik inom samtida feministisk teori
Mia Liinason
(2005) Under ytan. Humanistdag-boken, 18
Book chapterReport on the International Association of Women Philosophers Symposium Göteborg
Mia Liinason
(2005) The Making of European Women's Studies, vol. 6
Book chapterMellan vetenskaplig praktik och teoretisk retorik inom samtida feministisk teori
Mia Liinason
Conference paperBeyond disciplinary fragmentation - an inquiry on knowledge and transdisciplinarity
Mia Liinason
Conference paper
Mia Liinason is Professor of Gender Studies.
Research projects
• Spaces of Resistance. A study of gender and sexualities in times of transformation (Funded by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2016-2021, KAW 2015.0180).
• TechnAct: Transformations of Struggle. An interdisciplinary research cluster devoted to investigate the relation between digital technologies and emergent communities in transnational space (Funded by the Swedish Research Council, 2018-2024, VR 2018-03869).
• Network of Excellence for Training on the Nature of Hate. Research and training programme to tackle the rise of hate speech and intolerance in different social, economic and political dimensions of society. A multi-disciplinary team of researchers conducts research and training of 15 early stage researchers (Funded by EC/Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2020-2024, Grant ID 861047).
• Gender, secularities and religiosities across the globe. (Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2018-2022, RJ F17-1268:1).