My research explores power relations and experiences of the intersections of gender, sex and sexuality with ideas of national attribution and belonging. How can we understand the powerful negotiations of gender, sex and sexuality that we see in our societies? What are resistances to lives, bodies and expressions that challenge the norms, and how are spaces created in the present and future for these lives? Theoretically, I anchor these questions in critical trans- and queer-feminist theories and trans- and queer-feminist education research. From these stem also important methodological and research ethics intervention, which engage the methodological knowledge production so central to gender studies. Empirically, I place my research in organizations where knowledge is produced and the national is inscribed, such as schools and universities. In this work I also learn from post- and de-colonial, anti-racist and crip knowledge production.
These research questions also speak to my interest in teaching and feminist pedagogies, and my teaching and research inspire each other. This interrelation has existed and deepened since I completed my PhD in 2007 at the University of Bremen, Germany, with a dissertation on young people's negotiations of national belonging in schools in Germany and Canada. I came to the Department of Gender Studies as a postdoctoral researcher in 2008. In October 2010, I was a Visiting Associate Professor at the Centre for Women and Gender Studies, University of British Columbia. In 2011, I was hired as associate senior lecturer at the department, and in 2015 I was hired as senior lecturer. From 2011-2014 I held the position of Director of undergraduate studies in the department. Currently, I am program coordinator for the Bachelor's program in Gender Studies, and deputy teacher representative at the Department of Gender Studies' board.
Research areas
- Queer-feminist studies and theories
- Trans-feminist studies and theories
- Feminist, queer feminist and transfeminist methodologies and methods
- Justice, law, nation
- Justice and LGBTQIA+ in schools and academia
- Feminist pedagogies
Ongoing research and teaching
Through various research projects, I have explored negotiations of national belonging, children with LGBTI+ parents and their experiences at school in a European collaborative project, equality work in academia and strategies for LGBTI+ and queer justice work in schools.
In my latest project, I investigate how young people and young adults who are transgender and non-binary negotiate their identity with the normative, nationally coded expectations in schools. What do they experience as supportive and what support would they have expected? The participants' analysis of school highlights both concrete situations and overall structures where school is not reliable, as well as classrooms and schools that actively work cisnorm-critically. The study, which is the first of its kind in the Swedish context, contributes to the growing field of trans_intersex research in Sweden, and to international trans- and queer-feminist education research. The study clearly shows that gender identity is negotiated intersectionally in school and that cisnormativity is co-produced with not least racism, and norms of class and ability in school's expectations of cisnormative purity. The project was funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Together with Maja Sager, I am the editor of the Swedish Journal of Gender Studies (Tidskrift för genusvetenskap), one of the oldest and largest peer-reviewed journals in the Nordic region for current interdisciplinary research across the entire field of gender studies.
I teach, develop courses, coordinate courses and supervise theses together with colleagues in the Department of Gender Studies' courses and programs at undergraduate and master's level, and also the Faculty of Social Sciences' international master's program Social Studies of Gender. In my teaching I focus on feminist theories and methodologies, feminist knowledge production and social negotiations of justice. I am also the co-supervisor of a doctoral student.
Together with colleagues from different departments, I have developed and teach the course Gender and Diversity in Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Social Sciences' higher education pedagogical program, and give lectures on justice work in academia.
I am a member of LGBTQ-LU, the LGBTQ network for employees at Lund University.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Trans och queer i fältet : Förhandlingar om kön, genus och sexualitet
Irina Schmitt
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.61-77
Book chapterTransgressing purity: Intersectional negotiations of gender identity in Swedish schools
Irina Schmitt
(2023) Journal of LGBT Youth, 20 p.93-111
Journal articleFrån redaktionen
Maja Sager, Irina Schmitt, Elin Lundell
(2023) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 44 p.1-3
Journal article (comment)Assigning emotional responsibility: : young transgender and nonbinary people's negotiation of gender norms in school
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract”’Man måste verkligen ändra i läroböckerna för att få en ändring i samhället’. Kön och könsidentitet i skolan”
Irina Schmitt
(2022) "Jag är inte ensam, det finns andra som jag". Rapport om unga hbtqi-personers levnadsvillkor , p.159-177
Report chapterInledning
Andrés Brink Pinto, Irina Schmitt, Mikael Mery Karlsson
(2022) Kritiska blickar från marginalen : Reflektioner i spåren av Jens Rydström , p.11-22
Book chapterFrån redaktionen
Irina Schmitt, Maja Sager
(2022) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43 p.1-3
Journal article (comment)Från redaktionen: Levbarhet, motstånd och hopp
Maja Sager, Irina Schmitt
(2022) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43 p.1-6
Journal article (comment)Förändring pågår! Förslag på förändringsarbete kring kön och könsidentitet i skolan - Bilaga 2
Irina Schmitt
(2022) "Jag är inte ensam, det finns andra som jag". Rapport om unga hbtqi-personers levnadsvillkor , p.1-10
Report chapterExpectations of cisnormative purity: Intersectional negotiations of gender identity in Swedish schools
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractAre there trans and queer methodologies? Methodological negotiations on gender and sexuality
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractThinking teaching with corona/covid 19 – echoes in empty hallways
Irina Schmitt
Web publicationEmbodying responsibility? Understanding educators’ engagement in queer educational justice work in schools
Irina Schmitt
(2020) Queer Studies and Education book series
Book chapterTeachers who ”try to be progressive”? Trans and non-binary young people’s experiences in school in Sweden
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractUnderstanding cis-normativity in higher education classrooms
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractGendered knowledges in schools – trans* young people’s experiences and schools’ strategies
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleA pedagogy of being there in times of crisis? A tribute to Sara Goodman, and a rant
Irina Schmitt
OtherQueer- och transforskning
Irina Schmitt, Erika Alm, Iwo Nord, Signe Bremer
(2016) En skriftserie om genusvetenskap, 5
Book chapterReview: Z Nicolazzo, Susan B. Marine, och Francisco J. Galarte (2015) “Trans*formational Pedagogies” TQS: Transgender Studies Quarterly 2(3). In: Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 37 (4): Cisnormativitet och feminism, eds. Erika Alm, Signe Bremer and Iwo Nord
Irina Schmitt
(2016) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap
ReviewRemissyttrande över betänkande Juridiskt kön och medicinsk könskorrigering, (SOU 2014:91) (dnr S2015/418/FS)
Erika Alm, Signe Bremer, Guntram Lisa, Johnsdotter Sara, Tove Lundberg, et al.
OtherNormkritiska pedagogiker, lagstiftad antidiskriminering och maktanalys
Irina Schmitt
(2014) Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang - utbildningsvetenskaplig forksning vid Lunds universitet , p.285-302
Book chapterBryt innanförskapet i akademin! Förslag för hur en kan arbeta inom akademin med jämställhet, mångfald och likabehandling för en ökad rättvisa och jämlikhet
Lovise Haj Brade, Irina Schmitt, Kerstin Sandell
OtherOm begreppens klibbighet och problem: en intersektionell analys av jämställdhets-, likabehandlings- och mångfaldspolicy på Lunds universitet
Irina Schmitt
(2014) Att bryta innanförskapet. Kritiska perspektiv på jämställdhet och mångfald i akademin , p.60-97
Book chapterTheorising intersectionality and sexuality
Irina Schmitt
(2013) Gender and Education, 25 p.238-240
ReviewFleeting meanings and single-issue subjects – gender equality, equal opportunity and diversity work at a Swedish university
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractQueering school, queers in school
(2013) Confero - Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, 1
Editor for a journalQueering school, queers in school: An introduction
Irina Schmitt, Malena Gustavson, Anna Malmquist
(2013) Confero - Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, 1
Journal articleSchool policies, gender-sex-sexuality and ethnocultural re-production in Sweden, Canada, and Germany
Irina Schmitt
(2012) International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education : Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning , p.365-381
Book chapterDelaktighetens subjekt? Logiker av inklusion och exklusion på akademin
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractLogics of inclusion and exclusion - academic gatekeepers and their praxes of equality and diversity policies in Sweden
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractSexuality, secularism and the nation - reading Swedish school policies
Irina Schmitt
(2012) Sexualities in Education: A Reader , p.270-280
Book chapterSchool policies, gender-sex-sexuality and ethno-cultural re-production in Sweden, Canada and Germany
Irina Schmitt
(2012) International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education. Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning , p.365-382
Book chapterIntroduction: Heterogeneity, Belonging and Learning in Schools
Irina Schmitt
(2012) International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education. Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning , p.321-329
Book chapter"Var är maktanalysen, Mikael Nordenmark?"
Malin Espersson, Diana Mulinari, Despina Tzimoula, Helena Gyllensvärd, Ina Knobblock, et al.
(2011) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleFamiljebanden – att knyta om och upplösa queera föreställningar om föräldraskap och familj
Irina Schmitt
(2011) Lambda Nordica , p.198-201
ReviewSkolan är ute?! Barn och ungdomar med hbtq-föräldrar och deras erfarenheter i skolan i Tyskland, Slovenien och Sverige
Irina Schmitt, Malena Gustavson, Silke Bercht, Maja Pan, Christiane Quadflieg, et al.
ReportSchool is Out?! Comparative Study ‘Experiences of Children from Rainbow Families in School’ conducted in Germany, Sweden, and Slovenia
Uli Streib-Brzic, Christiane Quadflieg, Irina Schmitt, Malena Gustavson, Maja Pan, et al.
ReportCulturally queer, silenced in school? Children with LGBTQ parents, and the everyday politics of/in community and school
Malena Gustavson, Irina Schmitt
(2011) Lambda Nordica. Tidskrift för homo/lesbisk/bi/transforskning, 16 p.159-187
Journal articleLogics of inclusion and exclusion – academic gatekeepers and their praxes of equality and diversity policies in Sweden
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractVem är du familj med? Affisch för pedagogiskt arbete om familjenormer i skolan
Irina Schmitt, Malena Gustavson, Karin Casimir Lindholm
OtherHow to train your advisor? Thinking about doctoral advising from the student’s perspective
Irina Schmitt
Working paperGender: Regulation and Resistance in Education. Conference report on the 7th conference of the Gender and Education Association, London, UK, 2009.03.25-27
Irina Schmitt, Thomas Viola Rieske
OtherDo you have a boyfriend? Feeling queer in youth and education research
Irina Schmitt
(2010) Lambda Nordica, 15 p.15-39
Journal article'Normally I should belong to the others': Young people's gendered transcultural competences in creating belonging in Germany and Canada
Irina Schmitt
(2010) Childhood, 17 p.163-180
Journal articleHow childish! Queering ‘youth’ and some other of the mutual challenges of queer and education research
Irina Schmitt
Conference paperExtending Family: Lesbian Baby Boomers, Heteronormativities, Sexual Citizenship, and Kinship
Irina Schmitt
(2010) Nora: nordic journal of feminist and gender research, 18 p.140-143
ReviewSurprisingly exclusive? Non-heteronormativity in school policies in Sweden, Germany and Canada
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractLooking at the cracks – young people, schools, and human rights
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractDo you have a boyfriend? Researching Policies and Discourses on Gender-Sex-Sexuality in Schools as a Queer Researcher
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractCurrent Debates on Citizenship and Belonging: Multiculturalism, Gender and Sexuality
Irina Schmitt, Elke Winter
(2009) Canada in Grainau/ Le Canada à Grainau. Canadian Studies/Études canadiennes: The State of the Art , p.129-153
Book chapterYoung People in Germany: Understandings of Migration, Belonging, and Participation
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractQueer(ing) youth, schools, and the end of innocence. Problematizing understandings of non-heteronormative youth in schools
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractRegulation of sexualities: policies and normative discourses about sexualities at school
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractSchool policies, sexualities, and the conceptualization of young people as heteronormative
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractBetween tolerance and invisibility. Policies towards non-heteronormative youth in schools’
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract‘From 'Security Risk' to Charter Rights – Gender, Sexuality and the Canadian Politics of Integration
Irina Schmitt
(2008) Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, 28 (Bd 52) p.46-69
Journal article'Ich besorg' dir Viagra für deinen Freund' – Heteronormativität als methodologische Herausforderung in der Forschung mit Jugendlichen
Irina Schmitt
(2008) Kritik mit Methode? Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden und Gesellschaftskritik , p.253-268
Book chapterYoung people's strategies of creating belonging in specific national contexts
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractYoung people in Germany: Differentiated Belonging and Contextualized Transcultural Competences within Normative Settings
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract'wir sind halt alle anders' – Eine gesellschaftspolitische Analyse deutscher und kanadischer Jugendlicher zu Zugehörigkeit, Gender und Vielkulturalität.
Irina Schmitt
(2008) Transkulturelle Perspektiven 9
BookA different kind of integration? The role of school in young people’s negotiations of gender-sex-sexuality in immigration societies
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract'Ich wollte immer ein Junge sein' – Zur Herstellung von Gender-Geschlecht-Sexualität in der Forschung mit Jugendlichen
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract'It's just a name?' Young people in Canada and Germany discuss 'national' belonging'
Irina Schmitt
(2007) Jugend, Migration und Zugehörigkeit. Subjektpositionierungen im Kontext von Jugendkultur, Ethnizitäts- und Geschlechterkonstruktionen , p.81-96
Book chapterFrom 'security risk' to Charter Rights – Gender, Sexuality and the Canadian Politics of Integration
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractSelbstpositionierungen Jugendlicher in vielkulturellen Kontexten – Beispiele aus Kanada und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractSchooling society? Jugendliche, kulturelle Selbstpositionierungen und die Rolle der Schulsysteme in Kanada und der BRD
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract'I am who you think I am' – Cultural self-positioning of young people with and without migration experiences in Germany and Canada
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractHeteronormativität in der Schule im Kontext von Migration und Vielkulturalität
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstract'There is no such thing as being different, we're all different!' Jugendliche und kulturelle Selbstpositionierungen in Kanada und der BRD
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractAnsätze und Fragestellungen zum Transkulturalitätsbegriff. Transfer kultureller Praxen und Normen
Irina Schmitt
(2005) Transcultural Studies. Interdisziplinarität trifft Transkulturalität , p.52-58
Book chapterNegotiating Transcultural Lives: Belongings and Social Capital among Youth in Transnational Perspective.
(2005) Transkulturelle Perspektiven 2
BookGermany speaking? Rap and Kanak Attak: Dominant Discourses on Language
Irina Schmitt
(2005) Negotiating Transcultural Lives: Belongings and Social Capital among Youth in Transnational Perspective , p.215-236
Book chapterIntroduction: Transculturation and the Accumulation of Social Capital: Understanding Histories and Decoding the Present of Young People
Dirk Hoerder, Yvonne Hébert, Irina Schmitt
(2005) Negotiating Transcultural Lives: Belongings and Social Capital among Youth in Transnational Perspective , p.11-36
Book chapterQueering Multiculturalism: Canadian Multiculturalism from a Queer Perspective – finding a transcultural Canada?
Irina Schmitt
Conference paper: abstractQuering Multiculturalim. A Critical Analysis of Multiculturalims from a Queer Perspective
Irina Schmitt
Master's Thesis
Irina Schmitt (irina/she) is a lecturer in gender studies. Irina's research focuses on trans- and queer-feminist educational research with a focus on organizations where knowledge is produced and the national is inscribed, such as schools and colleges.